Thursday, May 15, 2008

Let's get going.

Okay, I think it is time we start preparing for Cross-country season. I've been waiting to get too excited, as we've been in the middle of Track season. However, since State is the next two days, it's time to start talking about and planning our 1st Cross-country team.

I hope you are as excited and anxious as I am to get started. I have spent a lot of hours thinking, planning, and preparing. I am confident that we will win the first ever Region Championship for Salem Hills H.S., if not the first two. In order to be successful, however, we need NUMBERS!!!! I cannot over-emphasize how important numbers are. As a small school this first year, we need to have a bigger team than our region opponents. The more depth we have, the more likely we will be able to put together a powerful Varsity team that can compete with the other schools in our region.

We need you. If you are an experienced cross-country runner, we need your experience, dedication and leadership. If you are new to the sport, we need your enthusiasm, your talent and your competitiveness. If you are not sure if you want to be a part of the Cross-country team or not, give us a try and THEN make a decision. I promise, you'll have a good time.

Not only do we need you, but we need your friends. We need numbers, like I said. Cross-country will be SO much more fun if your friends are out with us--even if they aren't that good of runners. We take all types of students. If they are willing to work hard, we want them. Each athlete should set a goal of recruiting AT LEAST two other people to the Cross-country team. I can promise you that we will be VERY successful if we can get our teams to about 25+ boys and 25+ girls. I need your help!

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